Friday, 15 June 2007


Well , the plan was that BL(my hubby) will take Arabs for his exam but he got a call late Tuesday that we was getting audience with an elusive GM who he has being hoping to see for over a year now so there was no cancelling the appointment he had to go.It then fell on my laps to go with him for the exam. i woke up earlier than usual to get ready and at about 4.45am my phone rang. It was one of my colleagues in the office telling me she will be coming in late cos she had some domestic issues. It immediately dawned on me I could go with Arabs because she was the one suppose to hold fort for me while i was away. I was so upset i shed a few tears.
Thank God for Brodas. I called my broda who reassured me that he will be at my place at 9.00am to ensure Arabs got to the school on time.God bless u Broda that all i can say.

BL went for his meeting and he has mixed feeling about it. we are keeping our fingers crossed on that one and we believe God for the best. Arabs had fun and he made friends such that the next day he wanted to go to the new school and not his old school. The results will be out next week Wednesday. I can hardly wait.

Thank God for Olohuniyo (she is the subject of another post) She has really being a strong support since the Felicia the last nanny left. I'm looking for another one cos once the strike is over she s going back to school.
I'm tired and hungry I'm off to grab a bite. I will do an interesting post tomorrow.

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