Senior Boy was 4 on Saturday and he asked for a Bicycle in a roundabout way. He asked, Mummy can you buy a bicycle? Like he will ask if I could jump or something. If my answer was Yes I can then He would have asked me to buy one to prove that I could indeed buy a Bicycle.I wonder whose side of the family he got that from. Anyways I was going to bite the bait. I answered No and that ended the conversation.
His Dad however without talking to me about it bought 2 shiny bicycles for the boys on Saturday. I wasn't even home when the bicycles arrived so imagine my surprise when I walked in and saw Senior Boy peddling away and Old man trying to get an hang of peddling. I glad Senior Boy got his birthday wish but which one is Old man's own? But if we wanted Senior Boy to enjoy his bike and we don't want a War to start in the house Old man had to get a bike. He is that bad and yes we need to deal with it. Sharing is still very alien to his vocabulary. Daddy is their number one hero now cos he got them the Bikes when Mummy said no. I'm jealous of the boys cos all they need to do is ask and they receive. I have to do more than drop hints atimes and I still get nothing.
Senior Boy is back in school and I think i have a crisis in my hands. All he wants to do after school is watch cartoon all evening. Bed time is messy affair with tears and fake ailments suddenly striking him and all sorts of drama. It was so bad yesternite that I had to withdraw watching TV during school nights.( i just turned into my Mum) No more TV during school night. He is allowed to play outside and ride his bike on the' concrete garden'( what do u call ur backyard that is all cemented and has little shrubs growing from pots?) but bed time is still 7.30pm so he has 15 mins for his tears and drama and he can finally be asleep at 8.00pm. We didn't have issues about going to bed before the holidays and I guess as he grows older and becomes more vocal he is beginning to question me and I really must not lose grounds. The battle ahead is for the strong men.
Old man is still very cooperative and understands and follows the simple of instruction of time to kiss Mummy Goodnight and go to bed. I 'm dreading the days when he will begin to question his bedtimes but before then I need to get it right with Senior Boy. Like they say if the 1st is on the right path it easier to get the rest of the crew on that same path.
We talked about it last night and Senior Boy know no more Ben 10, Kim Possible, Samuri Jack,Kids Next Door, Robot Boy and American Dragon on a school night. Weekends I also intend to restrict. What activities ( that does not involve me commuting to and from Lagos traffic) can u get a 4 year old engaged with aside school lessons? Any ideas?
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11 hours ago